Interstellar: Astronomically Perfect


I watched Interstellar tonight and I am so overwhelmed. I can’t even form a full review but here are my thoughts:

-The cinematography felt so claustrophobic yet so free. Like the spaceships were closed for decades in human time but space is an endless void so the camera shows the scope of the universe.

-Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Matt Damon gave the best performances I’ve ever seen in a movie.

-The plot and story beats are extremely dense and this movie felt like it could’ve been a trilogy but somehow it doesn’t feel bloated. All this information, all these scenes, dialogue, world building, exposition is able to fit perfectly. No story beats felt rushed or like they weren’t completed. Every arc that needed a concrete end got one, but some were left ambiguous on purpose which just adds to the true mystery of this film. 

-The sound design is perfect. No sound in space, lag over the communicators and score is breathtaking, each piece adding to the scene. 

-The ending was perfect. I have no way to describe the feelings I had during the 5th dimension scene. It was the most shocking moment I’ve ever had in a movie. Everything came together flawlessly and I felt stupid for not predicting it sooner. But I don’t think I could’ve predicted it. 

This I would say… a perfect movie. Absolutely my new favorite.


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