I mean it’s crazy that I’m writing another one of these so soon. We jumped from like 300 readers in a month to over 3000 readers. I mean…I really don’t know what to say. We hit the 1000 mark (which I promised I’d do A Fos cosplay for) awhile back. But before I could really gather my thoughts we basically doubled in size and before I could speak on that we hit 3K. I’m speechless and have been for a little while. My love and dream has always been to create and share with others, I literally don’t know what to say. It was my dream less than a month ago to hit 1000 and we tripled that in 3 weeks. I really just wanna thank everyone. Our international audience has grown a lot. It’s been a dream of mine to reach others with what I create out of the passion of my heart, and from Peru to Thailand, USA to Greece, Israel to China, Austria to England, I think we can we’ve done it. Why do I say WE? Well recently as I’ve been blessed and humbled by having such a platform for creative works I realised I knew so many truly talented people who I wanted to spread. It’s a surreal feeling to have a dream like this come true. I’m still catching my breath. Our audience in America has also grown pretty big and spread to places I’ve never been! I’m coming, New Atlantis, New Jersey!

in my last post thanking you all I said I was excited to see all of you new fans join this ride, and I extend the same to anyone new.

But I couldn’t have gotten this far without thanking those who have been there for me since day 1.

I really don’t open up often but I wanna show my gratitude to all of you.
Mama, Baba thank you so much for no matter how much of an idiot I can be, or how stubborn I am as I hustle into the late hours of the night for supporting my dream and even believing I could make it come true when I hated myself and thought I wouldn’t make it past middle school. You always loved me no matter if I was standing tall or falling in defeat. I’ve gone through some really really rough patches in life and you guys unconditionally loved and were there for me when I couldn’t love myself. Thank you.

To my sister, Hope, thank you so much for helping me make this website, I am not whole without you as a business partner Or friend. No matter how much we can get under each other’s skin. And also thank you for teaching me how to market! I’m positive without your knowledge we would still be at like 10 readers. You are the evil genius behind this all and are the ONLY PERSON who can reel me out of the deep end when I go to hard working.

To my Brother and signee, Khalel, thank you so so much for introducing me to so many types of art and comics that changed the way I thought and created. But more importantly, thank you so much for being a positive person in my life when it would’ve been so much easier to go down the wrong path or do something I couldn’t undo. Love you so much bro.

Thank you to my Papou and Yiayia, for truly opening my mind to things I never had thought of before and to my Papou for really being my compass in so many ways. I wouldn’t be the person I am without you two.

Also thanks to my soon to be brother in law, Nick B. You are probably the coolest guy your age ever and like, are just really wise in so many ways. Thank you!

And I also wanna thank my signees. I wanna thank each of you individually but in general, just thank you so much for believing in this dream. I’m sure when I pitched it to you guys you thought it was stupid, but you took that leap of faith and I do so much of the grinding I do for your guys sake and you are truly my closest friends.

Thank you to my guy, my fellow rap maniac, Dawit AKA Black Butterfly. You’ve always been someone I can level with and really just speak to and you always spark my brain in both music and life. He’s young, but truly one of the wisest people I ever met.

Thank you to my VP, Ivy, Who is smart, funny, really, truly one of the kindest people I ever met and you trust fell into my dream since you took up The spot of VP and I’m happy to have you as my 2nd in command! and you always inspire me to one up myself. Whenever you make an issue of TTOT, I always go “damn. That’s crazy. How can I improve?” THATS how artists work and I wanna thank you for giving me that push to keep improving. And of course for the project not even MU knows about…In good time. (Also Thanks for acting in so many of my short films and doing so many spoken word sections in my music!)

Thank you to Daniel, who has a been a friend for a long time and without skipping a heart beat, trusted the vision I had. You always amaze me in how dedicated to your craft of music and art you are. I’ll go to sleep and wake up to 3 new really quality songs and art frames for a big project I can’t spoil and I just am shocked at how you keep that up and how you keep it with such relentless quality and passion. I have to force myself to keep slaving away and you just create new, fresh things and it’s awesome.

I wanna thank Marvin, You are the funniest person I’ve ever met and never ceases to give new perspectives to the whole MU company when we’re all stuck between a rock and a hard place. Creatively and practically you see things in a way I don’t understand but makes so much more sense then everything else we come up with. You bring a sense of level headed ness to my extreme tunnel vision on certain projects.

Thank you to Mac. You really have taught me a lot about my musical process that I didn’t know until linking up and working with you frequently. I also wanna thank you for putting so much faith into my hands that I guarantee won’t be wasted. Mainly behind some projects I cannot talk about but I can say you are by far the most open to story feedback out of anyone I can think of and I’m positive it’ll pay off. Your also a really WILLING person. Sometimes, to those who don’t know, me and Mac will just get locked into a conversation about an idea at 1 in the morning or something and we just really play off each other well and build each other up. So thank you.

Elliot! Thank you for trusting me with a project I can tell your so passionate about. You also, for my album coming up, have done some of the most killer drum work on that project and I can’t word how much you’ve glued that record together. You also are just a really…stable guy, I mean like, I’m just ranting about some idea and just working it out like my life depends on it you often bring some type of anchor to my perspective and give some artistic insight in any type of project.

And of course, thank you to Nic. I mean you can bring some really out of the park ideas that I at first went “that couldn’t work” and much to my shock, you’ll elaborate and prove me wrong. You challenge what preconceived ideas about comic storytelling I have all the time and it’s something I value. You keep my brain on it’s sharpest because of these outlandish ideas you’ll throw out into the ether. And I’m sure I could never pull them off. You also are really really smart when it comes to technology and coding and for future ambitions we have your expertise in that field will be much appreciated and I’m sure you’ll go far.

im sure all of you are gonna go really far and give people awesome new content and creations. You already ARE. And I have no doubt that you’ll all continue to grow and create more things that touch the world.

There are some other people I wanna thank:

My teacher Spiros, probably the smartest person ever, and you always give me ideas that end up panning out into some of my favorite ideas. (I can’t give examples, very heavy spoilers for EXOSIA, but I appreciate it.)

My cousin Clem, who has been my friend no matter how much we bash heads and I act a complete fool. No matter what we stay tight and hype each other up.

My friend Theo, You’ve truly throughout the past half decade have forced me to become a better artist, and for that I’m eternally grateful. You showed me that sitting there and saying “this is enough” is never the way to go, I kept improving because of you and made it here. Thank you bro.

My friend Ben, who has been a truly crucial role in my upcoming album and my YouTube channel. You truly have some of the sharpest lyrics out there and just don’t cease to amaze me in the ideas you whip up.

My teacher Amy, who has basically become my art sensei. Without her Exosia wouldn’t exist and if it did it would be not nearly as good as it was.

AND TO ALL MY FANS! YOU ARE MY EXOSIA! YOU INSPIRE ME WHEN IM WORKING THROUGH DAY AND NIGHT! THANK YOU ALL! If you have any fan mail or anything, you can’t hit the contact button, I wanna respond to as much of it as I can. Love you all!!!

But yeah. I’m still sort of at a loss for words. Thank you all. Also, The Fos cosplay IS coming!


